Letter, Susan B. Anthony to the Rev. Samuel A. Eliot
A letter from Susan B. Anthony, on behalf of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), to the Rev. Samuel A. Eliot, secretary of the American Unitarian Association (AUA). Anthony requests that her letter to the AUA be read at their upcoming anniversary celebration.

National American Woman Suffrage Association
May 24, 1900
The Rev. Samuel A. Eliot,
Sec’y American Unitarian Association,
Boston, Mass.
25 Beacon St.
My Dear Friend: —
The enclosed letter to you and all the officers and members of the
American Unitarian Association will explain itself. I have only to add
to it that you will greatly oblige the National-American Woman Suffrage
Association, as well as myself, if you will see that it is read at your
Thanking you in advance for whatever you may be able to do on our
behalf, and with regrets that I cannot be with you throughout the meet-
ings, I am,
Very sincerely yours,