Letter, William Gleason to Gleason family
A letter from William Gleason to the Gleason family. William reacts to the news of the death of their family friend, Susan B. Anthony. He calls her a “noble woman” and notes that there is only “about one of her kind in a centuary.” He comments on activity at the Gleason shop, describes fellow passengers and people he has visited on his trip, and describes the ship he sailed on from Panama.

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April 17 1906
My dear family I arrived here
on the 16th 27 days from Panama
to this place 6 days over due
I leave for Portland by rail
this evening. I wont stop
at Sacramento untill on
the return. I received your
letter of the 4th I had not heard
of Miss Anthoneys death, until
I received the letter but I was
prepared for it as her condition
was serious when I left I am
very sorry she was a
Noble Woman, and I admired
her. there is there is only about
one offs her kind in a centuary
I am glad to hear that Merril
Bristol is better

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I am pleased to hear that
things are going smoothly
and that you have decided
to cut out most of the auto
work also the limiting of
the Packard work to 600
sets insted of 1000 I feel that
it was the proper thing to
do I am glad that the contract
for the pattern storage is
let also the improvement
of the grounds. We were as
cut off from the world from
the date we left New York
until our arrival here
as if we were burried the
Panama paper did not have
any thing about the Algeciras
Conference, and I dont no yet
how it was settled. I wil be
in Portland thursday morning
I had a letter from Elinor
I expect more and later news

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as soon as I arrive in
Portland. I had a congratulatory
birth day card from Dr Casey
also a portal from the
Canadian pattern [illegible] about
the addittional fee let it
lapse. the friends that was
with me on the ship I find
to be very fine people we are
about to start in a touring
car around the City we
are boocked on the same
train for Portland. I called
on Mr Sherry at his place
of business. he wanted up to
his house, but I did not
have time. I promised to
call on my return. there is
a number of things I am loocking

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forward to with some pleasure
I expect to visit Andrew
and Edith in there new
home. also the number of
addittional improvements
of the new shop, sutch
as the pattern storage the
transfer table I expect is
complete. also the [illegible]
heres the record of the old
ship I came here on built
in 1873 boilers 23 years old
allowed to carry 45 lbs of
steam could when every
thing was favorable make
9 miles in one hour but
mostly about up 6 or 7
My love to all
William. Gleason