Letter, Robert Lansing to Andrew Dickson White
A letter from Secretary of State Robert Lansing to Andrew Dickson White, the former Minister to Russia and co-founder of Cornell University. Lansing responds to a letter from White recommending Kate Gleason for a place on the Economic and Industrial Commission to Russia. He acknowledges her “most remarkable career” and promises to consider her for the position.

The Secretary of State
August 31, 1918.
My dear Dr. White:
I am in receipt of your letter of the 29th endorsing
Miss Kate Gleason for a position on the economic and in-
dustrial commission to Russia. Miss Gleason has indeed
had a most remarkable career, and I assure you that when
the personnel for the mission is considered, I will be
pleased to give her name earnest consideration.
Thanking you for writing me, I am,
Very sincerely yours,
Robert Lansing
Dr. Andrew D. White,
Kittery Point,